What others say about us.

Anna Jobarteh
'I’ve tried a few different workshop companies and Do or Die Studios has been my favourite. I love that actors get to choose from a selection of scripts (rather than being given one scene like at other places). I also like that it's selftape format. With so many selftapes after the pandemic it’s really key to practise and then having casting directors give personal feedback and tips for the future is invaluable.'

KC Flanagan
'I love the Do or Die workshops. They provide the opportunity to be seen on a far-reaching platform by many industry executives. They're great value for money in comparison to other workshops I've attended and even provide the chance to win the odd prize or two! I've found the vast majority of performers to be incredibly supportive of each other by responding positively to their fellow actor's scene portrayals. I believe that this positivity stems from the positive nature of the Do or Die Team. I always look forward to the release dates for the next event and I'm sure that you will too if you were to take part.'

David Savizon
'I'm at the Do or Die Studios Conference - The Agent Round Table Discussion was the most in-depth breakdown of this dimension of the business that I've seen/heard. The interactive presentation which then merged with questions and answers was impressive, informative and on point.'
Some we've helped so far.